2011 International Symposium on Physical Design With Commemoration for Professor Ernest Kuh

Hotel Mar Monte, Santa Barbara, California March 27-30, 2011 www.ispd.cc

Sponsored by ACM/SIGDA with Technical Co-Sponsorship from IEEE CAS

Additional support from ATopTech, Cadence, First International Computer, IBM Research, Intel Corporation, Mentor Graphics, National Taiwan University, SpringSoft, Synopsys, Taiwan Intelligent Electronics Consortium, TSMC and VeriSilicon

PROGRAM: The International Symposium on Physical Design provides a high-quality forum for the exchange of ideas on the physical layout design of VLSI and biological systems. The scope of this symposium includes all aspects of physical design, from high-level interactions with logic synthesis, down to back-end performance optimization and design for manufacturing.

The ISPD'11 Best Paper Award nominees are marked with an asterisk (*).

SUNDAY, March 27

5:30 - 7:00 pm: Evening Reception

MONDAY, March 28

8:30 - 9:45 am: Welcome and Keynote Address

Host: Yao-Wen Chang (National Taiwan University)

Keynote Talk: Robust Design of Power-Efficient VLSI Circuits Massoud Pedram (University of Southern California) |slides |

9:45 - 10:15 am: Morning Break

10:15 am - 12:00 pm Session 1: Commemoration for Professor Ernest Kuh

Chair: Prashant Saxena (Synopsys)

Invited talk Ernest Kuh (University of California at Berkeley)

(Invited talk) Placement and Beyond in Honor of Ernest S. Kuh C.-K. Cheng (University of California at San Diego) |slides |

(Invited talk) From Academic Ideas to Practical Physical Design Tools Ren-Song Tsay (National Tsing-Hua University) |slides |

(Invited talk) On Old and New Routing Problems Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska (University of California at Santa Barbara) |slides |

12:00 - 1:30 pm: Lunch 1:30 - 3:00 pm Session 2: Clock Network Synthesis and Routing

Chair: Igor Markov (University of Michigan)

*Grid-to-Ports Clock Routing for High Performance Microprocessor Designs

Haitong Tian, Wai-Chung Tang, Evangeline F. Y. Young and

C. N. Sze |slides |

*Cross Link Insertion for Improving Tolerance to Variations in Clock Network Synthesis

Tarun Mittal and Cheng-Kok Koh |slides |

Synthesis of Low Power Clock Trees for Handling Power-supply Variations

Shashank Bujimalla and Cheng-Kok Koh |slides |

3:00 - 3:30 pm: Afternoon Break

3:30 - 5:30 pm Session 3: Routing

Chair: Jens Lienig (Dresden University of Technology)

RegularRoute: An Efficient Detailed Router with Regular Routing Patterns

Yanheng Zhang and Chris Chu |slides |

An Enhanced Global Router with Consideration of General Layer Directives

Tsung-Hsien Lee, Yen-Jung Chang and Ting-Chi Wang |slides |

Obstacle-Aware Length-Matching Bus Routing

Jin-Tai Yan and Zhi-Wei Chen |slides |

Co-optimization of Droplet Routing and Pin Assignment in Disposable Digital Microfluidic Biochips

Yang Zhao and Krishnendu Chakrabarty

6:00 - 8:30 pm: Dinner Banquet

Dinner Session: Professor Kuh and I


TUESDAY, March 29

8:30 - 10:00 am Session 4: Physical Design for 3D ICs

Chair: Azadeh Davoodi (University of Wisconsin)

(Invited talk) 3D ICs for Tera-Scale Computing - a Case Study Tanay Karnik, Dinesh Somasekhar and Shekhar Borkar (Intel)

(Invited talk) Advances in 3D Integrated Circuits Bob Patti (Tezzaron)

Assembling 2D Blocks into 3D Chips

Johann Knechtel, Igor L. Markov and Jens Lienig

10:00 - 10:30 am: Morning Break

10:30 am - 12:00 pm Session 5: Placement and Floorplanning

Chair: Inki Hong (Cadence)

(Invited talk) Automated Placement for Custom Digital Designs Tung-Chieh Chen (SpringSoft) |slides |

Quantifying Academic Placer Performance on Custom Designs

Samuel I. Ward, David A. Papa, Zhuo Li, C. N. Sze, Charles J. Alpert and Earl Swartzlander |slides |

Regularity-Constrained Floorplanning for Multi-Core Processors

Xi Chen, Jiang Hu and Ning Xu |slides |

12:00 - 1:30 pm: Lunch

1:30 - 3:30 pm Session 6: Register Clustering and Placement

Chair: Salim Chowdhury (Oracle)

Power-Driven Flip-Flop Merging and Relocation

Shao-Huan Wang, Yu-Yi Liang, Tien-Yu Kuo and Wai-Kei Mak |slides |

INTEGRA: Fast Multi-Bit Flip-Flop Clustering for Clock Power Saving Based on Interval Graphs

Chih-Long Chang, Iris Hui-Ru Jiang, Yu-Ming Yang, Evan Yu-Wen Tsai and Lancer Sheng-Fong Chen |slides |

*Obstacle-aware Clock-tree Shaping during Placement

Dong-Jin Lee and Igor L. Markov |slides |

Timing Slack Aware Incremental Register Placement with Non-uniform Grid Generation for Clock Mesh Synthesis

Jianchao Lu, Xiaomi Mao and Baris Taskin |slides |

3:30 - 4:00 pm: Afternoon Break 4:00 - 5:30 pm Session 7: DFM Routing and Routability-Driven Placement Contest

Chair: Natarajan Viswanathan (IBM)

(Invited talk) Impact of Manufacturing on Routing Methodology at 32/22 nm Alex Volkov (Mentor Graphics) |slides |

(Invited talk) The ISPD-2011 Routability-Driven Placement Contest and Benchmark Suite

Natarajan Viswanathan, Charles J. Alpert, C. N. Sze, Zhuo Li, Gi-Joon Nam and Jarrod A. Roy |slides |

6:30 - 8:30 pm: Dinner Banquet at China Pavilion(map)


8:30 - 10:00 am Session 8: Design for Manufacturing

Chair: Martin Wong (University of Illinois)

(Invited talk) Vertical Slit Transistor Based Integrated Circuits (VeSTICs): Feasibility Study Wojciech Maly (Carnegie Mellon University)

(Invited talk) Litho and Design: Moore Close Than Ever Vivek Singh (Intel) |slides |

*E-Beam Lithography Stencil Planning and Optimization with Overlapped Characters

Kun Yuan and David Z. Pan |slides |

10:00 - 10:30 am: Morning Break

10:30 am - 12:00 pm Session 9: Circuit Optimization and Modeling

Chair: Yiyu Shi (Missouri University of Science and Technology)

A Realistic Power Grid Verification Based on Hierarchical Current/Power Constraints

Chung-Kuan Cheng, Peng Du, Andrew Kahng, Grantham K.

H. Pang, Yuanzhe Wang and Ngai Wong |slides |

Lagrangian Relaxation for Gate Implementation Selection

Yi-Le Huang, Jiang Hu and Weiping Shi |slides |

Stochastic Analog Circuit Behavior Modeling by Point Estimation Method

Fang Gong, Hao Yu and Lei He |slides |

12:00 - 12:10 pm: Closing Remarks

12:10 - 1:40 pm: Lunch

2:00 - 6:00 pm: Tour

Solvang, a Danish town; flower fields at Lompoc