March 16-19, 2025
Holiday Inn Austin Midtown, Austin, Texas

Guidelines regarding Final Manuscript Submission

Timeline for submitting your manuscript:

  • January 5th, 2025: Copyright form due
  • January 5th, 2025: Final manuscript due
  • January 5th, 2025: Speaker registration due

Outline of author requirements for manuscript

  • There will be two emails to the authors, one from Sheridan Communications with details for the publication, including the submission ID number and a link to upload the final manuscript; and one from ACM Rights Review (to the lead contact author only) to complete the ACM copyright form for the paper.
  • The camera-ready version of your paper should be consistent with the submitted paper, with the following updates: inclusion of author names/affiliation, correction of errors, and addressing reviewer comments. The TPC Chair reserves the right to finally reject any manuscripts not adhering to these rules.
  • For an accepted paper, authors must obtain an ORCID ID ORCID ID to publish it. ACM is rolling this out as a requirement in 2022 – please see the frequently asked questions for more details. This is to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and help community efforts around name normalization.
  • By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you acknowledge that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Violations will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of a paper, in addition to other potential penalties.
  • One speaker per accepted paper must register for ISPD 2025, provide slides and videos of their presentation, and attend live discussions in the session. The slides will be published on the ISPD website. The authors will retain the copyright for the slides and videos, which will be posted on a private YouTube channel for ISPD 2025.
  • Microsoft Word template for abstract + bio.
  • ACM template for full papers (up to 8 pages + 1 page of references):

Guidelines regarding Video Submission

Timeline for submitting your slides, videos, and bio to Google drive:

  • February 26th, 2025: PDF or PowerPoint file of your slides for the presentation must be submitted.
  • February 26th, 2025: Video for your talk
  • February 26th, 2025: Text file of speaker bio

Outline of speaker requirements for presentation videos

Here is a rough guideline for what should be in the videos:

  • 12 minute video: title slide, outline, slides overviewing work, conclusion.

Different video time lengths for other sessions:

  • For speakers in the regular sessions, provide a video of 12 minutes.
  • For speakers in the lifetime award session, provide just a long video of 20 minutes.
  • For keynote speakers, please provide just a long video of 35 to 40 minutes in length.
    • ISPD will put on the YouTube channel after the conference is finished if keynote speaker agrees.

How to record a presentation with Microsoft PowerPoint?

Follow this link for instructions on how to record a slide show.

To save the video in PowerPoint, do File -> Export -> Create a Video -> Create Video.

The presentation quality should be at least 1366 x 768 (better higher), with an aspect ratio of 16:9.

How to upload presentation slides/videos?

Speakers were emailed the link to their session's Google drive folder to upload presentations.

Create a Google drive account using your email address. Contact us if you have problems uploading files.

Can we use a corporate Powerpoint template?

Yes, you are free to use your organization's PowerPoint template. Company/university name and/or logo should only appear on the title slide.

Will ISPD be hosting the videos or will they be hosted on other platforms?

  • You submit the presentation videos to ISPD through a Google drive upload link for the session.
  • We double-check the content and then upload it to a private YouTube channel, except for keynotes.
    • The keynote talks will only be streamed live.
  • Attendees can also watch the videos over YouTube, and access slides from the ISPD website.
  • The conference papers will also be available through the ACM digital library.

Will the content for ISPD be available on-demand post event?

Yes. Except for keynotes, slides and videos will be permanently available online. The papers or keynote/invited talk abstract and bio will be available through the ACM digital library.

Will ISPD embargo the video content for a period of time post-event?


Guidelines regarding Oral Presentation

Different presentation time lengths (same as videos):

  • This should be of the same length as your video presentation, and there will be about 5 minutes for questions and answers thereafter.
  • For speakers in the regular sessions, provide a presentation of 12 minutes.
  • For speakers in the lifetime award session, provide just a long presentation of 20 minutes.
  • For keynote speakers, please provide just a long presentation of 35 to 40 minutes in length.